The Best Shoes I Ever Owned

I recently saw a movie that inspired me. It's called "Mom's Night Out." And, yeah, the main character of the movie started a blog at the end. Total coincidence. Or maybe it isn't. Who cares! The movie naturally reminded me of when my kids were little. I mean, I never had a pair of heels like the ones she found in her closet when she was "hiding."  In fact, I was a bit of a tomboy. Me and my family joked about heels being against my religion. But something strange happened to me when my kids were in elementary school. After I came out of the fog of not sleeping for like 8 years! I felt the need to feel beautiful. Some of you will know what I mean when I explain this. Some of you won't. Many of you that know me are probably thinking, "But you are beautiful." I know that now! Before I had children I knew it, too. I wouldn't have admitted it, for fear of being seen as arrogant. Now, I just don't care, so go ahead and think I'm arrogant. I'm drop dead gorgeous! But something happened to me and I suspect it happens to a lot of women, cause I'm not that unique. I didn't feel beautiful anymore. I had more doubts about myself than I had beliefs. I judged myself as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, as a Christian, as a member of the human get the idea. I judged myself way more than you ever could have! And I needed to feel beautiful! Yeah, my husband told me I was beautiful. My friends told me I was beautiful. My 16 year old daughter used to tell me every morning that I was "the most beautiful mommy in the whole world." But it wasn't enough. I needed to do something to make me feel beautiful. I didn't feel like my body was even my body. It felt alien to me. Of course, that could be at least partially because it carried a few aliens....don't judge. You haven't met my children. Anyway, it took a long time for me to buy anything nice to wear. I didn't like the way I looked in anything.

So, after my then 9 year old (now 16 year old) daughter taught me how to walk in heels...don't laugh...okay, go ahead. I can't hear you through my computer anyway, so you won't hurt my feelings. Anyway, after she taught me how to walk in heels I bought a pair of stilletos. I loved those shoes! I think they sort of scared my husband, but I loved them! I thought I had terrible legs and no butt. Not with those things on! I had really sexy legs and I actually had a butt. That 16 year old (Angela) got rid of those shoes recently for the safety and sanity of everyone involved. She swears they were a little worn out and she's probably right, but now I don't have shoes that make my legs sexy and give me a butt.

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out how to finish my first blog entry, so let me just say I hope you enjoy my beautiful mess, which is just about the funny and strange things that happen in my life and the even more funny and strange thoughts I have about them. Welcome to Shellie's Beautiful Mess!!

Shellie Paparazzo

P.S. I know this blog is rather plain. I'll work on the format and all that later. Love you all!


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    1. Everyone is beautiful, except when their talk is ugly like yours. I don't have a good picture of myself. My phone has a crappy camera, but it wouldn't matter if I wasn't the world's idea of beautiful. Only people's words make them ugly, which makes you extremely ugly. I notice you don't have a profile picture? Is it because you are ashamed of the way you look?

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