
Showing posts from November, 2017

What Recovery Means To Me

Recovery is body, mind, and soul It means  I take care of me I get exercise I eat healthier I get to learn new things about myself and the world around me I get to be loved and love others I get to understand people who are struggling and help them, too, the way others helped me I can talk to people I don't agree with and not get defensive We can have different opinions, that is okay I have learned to get along with the people I live with I get to worship my God, however and wherever I please It doesn't have to look like your God And I don't have to follow all of your rules It's okay that you do I have my own that help me stay safe

A Poem About Me In Which Nothing Is True

I am a dancer I move gracefully to the music I dance everywhere Through the grocery aisles At the Plaza And even down the street I dance in the shower And I dance down the hall I dance in my bed all night long I never sleep I have so much energy I don't need to sleep I just dance I can't help myself I dance at the bus stop I even dance in the car

A Poem about the color Purple

Purple is so beautiful Makes me feel feminine I think of royalty Like when I was a rodeo princess It makes me think about my kids They all love purple I miss my older daughter a lot lately She lives with her dad My son even likes purple My youngest likes it, too But her favorite color is red My pen is purple My binder is purple, too

A Poem Using The Words smoothe soothe work dark

I love to work on jewelry I like to scare people in the dark I love to ride horses especially if they have a smooth trot It is very soothing to watch the horses run in the pasture I like to visit with my sister She is very understanding Her encouragement is soothing I can't wait to watch my daughter's first track meet She is nervous, I'm sure she will do well It's normal to be nervous I hope she doesn't chicken out on the hurdles She doesn't seem to be worrying about the other two events I'm hoping to be able to watch her do all three events This is a poem I wrote in a class at Frontier Behavioral Health. We wrote them in class and turned them in as soon as we finished, so they're very rough. I hope to do something more with a few of them.

New laptop (well, new to me)

Chloe got an upgrade on her laptop which means I got her old laptop. It's taking some time to get used to it, so bear with me. It's been a busy few weeks here at the house, with Halloween and cars breaking down and schedule changes and you name it. If you can think of it, it's probably come up recently here. Anyway, I'll hopefully be getting somewhat creative again here soon.